Browse Items (94 total)

Location: County Carlow


Óro, Ár gcultúr gleoite, (our beautiful culture)

Óro, our culture’s growing,

Óro, ár gcultúr beomhar, (our living culture)

Alive and beo in Carlow. (well)

They tried to take our…

The Seed in the Soil.MP3

The seed in the soil creeps up to the light
Seeking new life in Springtime cold;
The slow beat of life shows green, shows white,
Growing new buds in flower and grove.

The flower, bud and leaf then burst into life,
Pulsing with sap…

Goodbye Ye Hills 1.jpg
Theme: Pride in place, recitation by M.C. Nolan

By Barrow's Banks, W O'Neill.jpg
Theme: Pride in place. Written by W. O'Neill, describing the Carlow scenery, particularly by the banks of the Barrow

Village of Clonmore 2, J. Candy.jpg
Location: North Carlow, Clonmore
John remembers the place of his youth and its history

County of Carlow, J. Candy.jpg
Location: County Carlow
A ramble through some of the notable places in County Carlow

Far Away in Old Bunclody.jpg
Song about Bunclody as sung by Les Carty
Theme: Pride in Place

Charming County Carlow, P.J. Furey.jpg
A newspaper clipping featuring a song about County Carlow by one P.J. Furey, in which he takes a tour around the county

Poem From the Hills, J.J. Townsend.jpg
Location: Carlow west
A fun poem about a quality ass from Seskinrae.
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