The Lonely House (An Teach Folamh)
Air: Ar Éireann ní neosfainn cé hí
Author: D. Barron
Singer: Tony Malone

Dublin Core


The Lonely House (An Teach Folamh)
Air: Ar Éireann ní neosfainn cé hí
Author: D. Barron
Singer: Tony Malone


All across the country are empty, derelict houses that once were vibrant centres of family life. What stories might those old ruins tell, if they could speak!



I once was a house, more a home,
Where my families felt safe and secure;
Now they’re scattered all over the globe
And I’m left here lone, broken and poor.

My roof that once sheltered them all
Now lies broken and bare to the sky;
No rafter or thatch now at all,
Thorn and ivy grow chimney stack high.

My walls once were sturdy and strong,
Now they’re crumbling, like old broken bones;
One time whistling the family song,
Now the wínd whines, so lonely: sorrow!

My windows are shattered and gone,
Poor, blind, sightless eyes to the sky;
Long ago they glistened and shone
Like my childrens’ bright eyes inside.

My hearth now lies empty and cold
Where once my fire glowed so bright;
My chimney where once warm smoke flowed,
Now a tombstone for times long gone by.

Yes, I once was a home, a warm place
Where my families enjoyed happy days;
Now they’ve parted and gone their own ways
And I’m cold here, a lonely old place.


From Carlow Streams





“The Lonely House (An Teach Folamh) Air: Ar Éireann ní neosfainn cé hí Author: D. Barron Singer: Tony Malone,” From Carlow Streams, accessed March 9, 2025,