Battle of Kilcumney
Singer: Tony Malone

Dublin Core


Battle of Kilcumney
Singer: Tony Malone


Battle of Kilcumney / Teresa Malone
It was in the year of ’98, a time of blood and woe,
When many a Saxon soldier fled ’neath the rebels’ vengeful blow,
When British troops before them flew like chaff before the gale
When they heard the dreadful war cry of the sons of Graine Mhaol.

The Summer’s sun was shining bright, a lovely afternoon,
Like burnished gold it glistened on each helmeted dragoon.
Nine mounted English soldiers stopped outside John Murphy’s gate,
They burst the wicket open, no answer would they wait.

Four were posted outside, the other five within,
With short delay and hellish work, the fiends did begin.
They heeded not the women’s’ cry but struck a ready match
And soon the blazes mounted high o’er rafter, beam, and thatch.

Grimly smiled the bloodhounds, on each bearded face a grin,
Little thinking of the vengeful foe that lay concealed within.
Four of the bravest rebels who were in the fray that day
Sought shelter in the barn and lay hid beneath the hay.

Said the leader of those Wexford boys as he peeped out through the door,
‘Nine English soldiers are without, within we’re only four,
But many the time we beat them when outnumbered one to two,
Another blow for Ireland,’ and the door they burst in two.

Five horses without riders soon prancing in the yard,
Four beneath the whip and cord were flying fast and hard
To seek the shelter of the camp on yonder hill below,
No head was turned to see if come pike man quick or slow.

Till a maiden from a house she came, her hair was raven black,
Picked a trooper’s pistol, jumped on a horse’s back
And as fast as any racehorse or a jockey ever rode
She spurred the noble charger down the Ballyellen road

Until she came close to a stream that ripples by the mill,
Turning around she saw quite close beside her on the hill
One of those English soldiers and he called on her to stand:
She gave him ready answer from the pistol in her hand.

Dashed she then o’er ditch and dyke until she reached the heights
Where the rebels’ silent watch fire was burning through the night.
From yon green woods and ivy towers in fright the birds had flown
When they heard the cheers that greeted Teresa Malone.

She is buried ‘neath the green sod in Ballinkillen Chapel yard.
She saw the dawning of the day that nothing can retard.
She lived till old and passed away, God rest her soul I pray.
We have maidens still like her, thank God, and plenty here today.


The song captures the violence and the heroism of a young woman during one of the battles of 1798



“Battle of Kilcumney Singer: Tony Malone,” From Carlow Streams, accessed February 16, 2025,