Ár gCultúr Beo / Our Living Culture
Air: Oro Se do Bheatha Abhaile
Author: D. Barron
Singers: Carlow Storytellers
Dublin Core
Ár gCultúr Beo / Our Living Culture
Air: Oro Se do Bheatha Abhaile
Author: D. Barron
Singers: Carlow Storytellers
Air: Oro Se do Bheatha Abhaile
Author: D. Barron
Singers: Carlow Storytellers
Theme: Pride in our native culture
Location: County Carlow
Óro, Ár gcultúr gleoite, (our beautiful culture)
Óro, our culture’s growing,
Óro, ár gcultúr beomhar, (our living culture)
Alive and beo in Carlow. (well)
They tried to take our culture from us,
Tried to force their culture on us;
But our fathers placed a geasa on us: (obligation)
To save our ancient ways.
They told us that we had to change,
To leave our past on a previous page;
But we’ll save our ways for the coming age:
We’ll save our ancient ways.
The rambling house was the place to meet
But in recent years its fate looked bleak;
Some kept our old Way’s heart abeat
And saved our ancient ways.
They thought we’d fade with modern fashions
We love our culture with great passion;
We’ll always care for our great tradition
And we’ll save our ancient ways.
The Celtic Irish oral tradition of music and song has faced many challenges to its survival, from Penal Laws to changing trends and fashions. At one time mocked and derided, it was always kept alive in the rambling houses and by people who loved their traditions. Now, the ancient culture is growing strong again, not only holding its own but growing in popularity.
The song Óro, Sé Do Bheatha ‘Bhaile was about restoration of freedom and culture; it seems appropriate to match these words with the old melody.
Óro, Ár gcultúr gleoite, (our beautiful culture)
Óro, our culture’s growing,
Óro, ár gcultúr beomhar, (our living culture)
Alive and beo in Carlow. (well)
They tried to take our culture from us,
Tried to force their culture on us;
But our fathers placed a geasa on us: (obligation)
To save our ancient ways.
They told us that we had to change,
To leave our past on a previous page;
But we’ll save our ways for the coming age:
We’ll save our ancient ways.
The rambling house was the place to meet
But in recent years its fate looked bleak;
Some kept our old Way’s heart abeat
And saved our ancient ways.
They thought we’d fade with modern fashions
We love our culture with great passion;
We’ll always care for our great tradition
And we’ll save our ancient ways.
The Celtic Irish oral tradition of music and song has faced many challenges to its survival, from Penal Laws to changing trends and fashions. At one time mocked and derided, it was always kept alive in the rambling houses and by people who loved their traditions. Now, the ancient culture is growing strong again, not only holding its own but growing in popularity.
The song Óro, Sé Do Bheatha ‘Bhaile was about restoration of freedom and culture; it seems appropriate to match these words with the old melody.
D. Barron
From Carlow Streams
D. Barron, “Ár gCultúr Beo / Our Living Culture
Air: Oro Se do Bheatha Abhaile
Author: D. Barron
Singers: Carlow Storytellers,” From Carlow Streams, accessed March 7, 2025, https://fromcarlowstreams.ie/items/show/32.