An Londubh is an Céirseach
Singer: Lisa Butler

Dublin Core


An Londubh is an Céirseach
Singer: Lisa Butler


One of the traditional love songs from the native culture,


Theme: Love.

AN LONDUBH IS AN CHÉIRSEACH (scroll down for translation)
Tá an londubh is an chéirseach, is an fhuiseoigín le chéile,
Is an smóilín binn bréagach ina ndiaidh i ngach aird,
An chuach i measc an méid sin ag seinm dánta is dréachta
Do chúl trom tais na bpéarlaí is do mo chéad míle grá.

Dá mbeinnse i mo smóilín do leanfainn tríd an mhóin í,
Mar is ise bláth na hóige a thógfadh suas mo chroí.
Ó bheinnse ag seinm ceoil dí ó mhaidin go tráthnóna,
Le ceiliúr binn á cealgadh is le móráil dá gnaoi.

Is trua gan mé is mo shiúirín is barr mo láimhe dlúth léi,
Go seinnfinn di go súgach ar cheolchruit go sámh;
A lao, nárbh aoibhinn domsa dá bhfaighinnse cead bheith ag siúl léi,
Is a rún mo chroí, bí ag súil liom le héirí don lá.

The Blackbird and the Song Thrush
The blackbird and the song thrush and the little lark together,
And the sweet voiced little thrush following them every way,
The cuckoo among them playing poems and little ditties
To your damp pearly hair for you are my first love.

Were I a little thrush I'd follow her through the meadow,
For she is the bloom of youth who would lift up my heart.
O I'd be playing music for her from morning to evening,
With a sweet melody celebrating her and praising her looks.

'Tis a pity I'm not her little sister and the top of my hand tight in hers,
That I as if drunk might play for her on a tuneful harp with gentleness;
My darling, wouldn't it be my delight if I'd be allowed to walk beside her,
And, o you love of my heart, be waiting for me as the day is dawning.


From Carlow Streams




“An Londubh is an Céirseach Singer: Lisa Butler,” From Carlow Streams, accessed October 22, 2024,