Mammon's World
Author: Dave Barron
Air: The Rising of the Moon

Dublin Core


Mammon's World
Author: Dave Barron
Air: The Rising of the Moon


For centuries ordinary people struggled under the oppression of the ruling classes; in Ireland there were many rebellions against the weight of colonial imperialism. While we now have political freedom, ordinary people are still under oppression from the financial moguls of the world. The old song, 'The Rising of the Moon' is about Irish people suffering under colonial oppression; the old air is used here in this song about the oppression of the new colonial rulers, the Bankers.


You grew and built your business through long, hard working days:
The bankers came and broke it, then they stole it all away.
You cannot trust the bankers, their only god is greed
And they hide behind their agents who do their dirty deeds.

They brought us rack and ruin, they brought us doom and gloom,
Their fierce greed almost ruined us; vultures sing the same sad tune.
The bankers’ god is Mammon, the Christians’ God, Yahweh;
It’s awful sad to see today how Mammon trumps Yahweh.

They’d no care for the workers, they’d no more care for you;
They only cared for profits, that bonus-hungry crew.
You offered to restructure, construct a new, fair loan,
But they spurned you and your offer, then they took away your home.


You fought them to the High Court; the lawyers played their games;
The lawyers all got well paid but their games still lost your claim.
The law should lead to Justice, it’s sad that’s not the way;
It’s legal games more than God’s Truth in the gold courts of today.


Your solace comes from family, from friends, your Christian creed;
Leave the bankers and their Mammon to the rat-race world they
The bankers’ god is Mammon, the Christians’ God, Yahweh;
It’s awful sad to see today how Mammon trumps Yahweh.




“Mammon's World Author: Dave Barron Air: The Rising of the Moon,” From Carlow Streams, accessed March 13, 2025,