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My Dear Native Land Far Away, P. Curran.MP3
By the setting of the sun as my daily work was done and I wandered my way down the shore
As I went on alone I sat down upon a stone for to gaze on the work of the Lord.

I have travelled all around through city, state and town but no landscape can…

You grew and built your business through long, hard working days:
The bankers came and broke it, then they stole it all away.
You cannot trust the bankers, their only god is greed
And they hide behind their agents who do their dirty…

Ideals Of Nineteen and Sixteen.MP3
In that chilling trial court hall,
We heard the victim called,
Filled with fear of what he’d say,
Cause he failed to pay his way,
Will his home not be his own?
Seems like eviction the following day.

In his second court recall,
His hopes…

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